How did she end up at my house? Love––God’s love.
I first saw the likes of her at a friend’s home and immediately fell in love with her. So, I set out to find a cow just like her to travel to Bolivia with me. We’ve carried many things back to Bolivia after furlough––but a cow?
My quest began in my hometown area in the beautiful mountains of western Pennsylvania where ski resorts welcome visitors from near and far. Little specialty shops lure visitors with their crafts and homemade delicacies. The aroma of freshly baked cinnamon rolls seeps into the rows of novelties as you walk the stores’ aisles. That’s where I found her standing in a corner. Just one problem stood in the way of the purchase—her price. Her delicate material and hand stitching by a local lady explained the exuberant price. No, my cow doesn’t have bristly hair and a cold rubbery nose or give milk. Her soft material invites caressing, and her button nose—literally a button nose––is pure cuteness.
She’s a vacuum cover.
I walked away after checking the price tag––$70. My prayer, “Well Lord, if you want me
to have a cow, I will.” I started down the stairs to the main level of the store––glancing
back a few times wondering if I could sew her myself.
At the bottom of the steps, my phone rang. It was my friend, Alice. She only spoke a few
words, “You have your cow; don’t bother looking for one.”
Stunned, I glanced at my husband. With tears dripping, I mumbled, “I have a cow!”
God loves me that much to care about a vacuum cover–– my wondrous cow. He provides
our needs and our wants. He loves us all that much. “To him alone who does great wonders, His love endures forever” (Psalm 136:4 NIV).
My cow testifies to His love and great wonders for me.
About the Author
Peggy Cunningham and her husband, Chuck, have been missionaries in Bolivia, S.A., since 1981. They have a children's ministry and work with national churches. Peggy's children's book series, Really Rare Rabbits, volumes one, two, and three, released by Pix-N-Pens Publishing in 2013, and her recently released devotional book, Dancing Like Bees, are all available on Amazon in print and on Kindle. You can learn more about Peggy at her author page on and also
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