My home town annually welcomes 763,000 patients and their families to our world-renowned clinic. This clinic evolved from the frontier practice of the name sake and his two sons (pictured here with Magnificent Hope). The family moved here in 1864. In 1883, a tornado swept through our fair Midwest city and left in its wake many deaths and injuries.
Affectionately known by their first names, Dr. Charlie and Dr. Will helped coordinate the medical efforts along with nuns from the Sisters of St. Francis, a teaching order. The nuns were recruited as nurses. This partnership led Mother Alfred Moes to ask the Drs. to build St. Mary’s Hospital, the first general hospital in southeastern Minnesota.
More than 6 million people have been treated at our Clinic since its founding. Today it includes three clinics and four hospitals in three states, employing more than 40,000 physicians, scientists, nurses, and allied health workers. My husband Mike is a child psychologist in the building right behind the brothers.

So, have you figured out where in the world Magnificent Hope has landed now?
I can tell you that she is sitting in the lap of one of the brothers who saw fit to develop a clinic that would offer magnificent hope to countless patients and their families.
So, readers, can you guess where Magnificent Hope is this week?
Answer the question correctly to be entered to win a Kindle Fire or Nook Tablet.
Each week, we’ll post a photo of Magnificent Hope near a landmark. If you know “Where in the World is Magnificent Hope?” send us an e-mail with the subject line CONTEST WEEK 1, CONTEST WEEK 2, CONTEST WEEK 3, etc. The person with the MOST correct entries and bonus entries at the end of the contest will win their choice of either a Kindle Fire or a Nook Tablet, a $100 Amazon or Barnes & Noble gift card (depending on which reader your choose), and a copy of all our WIP and PNP books published any time during this year!
Bonus entries may be earned three ways:
- By “liking” all three Facebook pages – Write Integrity, Pix-N-Pens, and Magnificent Hope – just be sure to let us know you liked us in your first contest entry, and we’ll add the bonus points.
- Bonus entries will also be given for anyone submitting by e-mail one or more photos taken with Magnificent Hope AND at least one of our books anywhere on her journey. One photo per location, please. (For example, if you bump into Magnificent Hope at a Jennifer Fromke event in North Carolina and take ten photos with her at that same event, only one photo will count. But if you bump into Magnificent Hope at Jennifer’s event, and then again at an event with Dianne E. Butts, you can take photos both places and get two bonus entries!) Send your photos in .jpeg format, attached to an email, and we may use them in blog posts or perhaps even a book.
- Telling your family and friends about Magnificent Hope, Hope Tour 2012, and our books and authors – through Facebook, Twitter, blog posts, interviews with our authors or Magnificent Hope, or other ways. One share per week gets you an extra entry, so send us your links by e-mail so we can tally your points.
(If you have trouble using the links, the e-mail address to send entries to is: magnificenthope [at] yahoo [dot] com.)
For those of you coming on board in the middle of the contest, you can go back and enter the previous weeks whenever you wish. Just find the "Where in the World is Magnificent Hope?" contest links in the list below and submit your best guess for each week.
Follow Magnificent Hope's Journey:
- Magnificent Hope Attends the Golden Scroll Banquet
- Seven Authors Offer Hope to Concord Victims
- What's So Important About Hope?
- Week 7: Where in the World is Magnificent Hope? CONTEST
- Magnificent Hope Visits Kentucky Conference
- Week 6: Where in the World is Magnificent Hope? CONTEST
- Sheryl Holmes Shares Her Story with Magnificent Hope's Assistance
- Book Signings Aren't Just for Selling Books
- Books of Hope Contest Finalists Announced
- Tips to Help You Win Writing Contests
- Christmas Book Writing Contest
- Two New Writing Contests Announced
- Future Writers: Passing the Mantel
- Week 5: Where in the World is Magnificent Hope? CONTEST
- Dreams Can Come True by Ruth O'Neil
- Week 4: Where in the World is Magnificent Hope? CONTEST
- A Special Treat from Jennifer Fromke (and a huge hint for the Week 2 photo!)
- Week 3: Where in the World is Magnificent Hope? Pays Respect
- Magnificent Hope Encounters Dianne E. Butts at the CCWC
- Where in the World is Magnificent Hope? Contest - Week 2
- Magnificent Hope Arrives at the Colorado Christian Writers Conference with Elsi Dodge
- Magnificent Hope visits a Recording Studio with Zillah Williams
- Where in the World is Magnificent Hope? Contest - Week 1
- Books of Hope Manuscript Contest Announced
- Rides motorcycles with Dianne E. Butts
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