Only 10 days left in the Hope Tour 2012 Kickstarter campaign! Be sure to drop by our page, make a pledge, and get involved! We can't do it without you - if everyone pitched in $10, we'll soon be hitting the road!
During the campaign, we're going to feature many of the towns on our tour. We're giving away a fun Hope Tour Gift Basket, so be sure to answer our questions for your chance to win!
We'll have a hard time leaving Colorado, but we'll eventually make our way south. One of our stops, and biggest events will be in the town of Amarillo, Texas! (Everything's bigger in Texas anyway, right?) In Amarillo, we'll be hosting a fun event with author Staci Stallings that is sure to be rip-roaring fun.
Now we need to hear from Amarillo residents. Leave your answers in the comments below for a chance to win a special Hope Tour gift basket.
1) Who is your favorite local author and what does he/she write?

2) What ONE restaurant would you recommend for our Best Bites on Tour book? Remember, we don't want fancy-schmancy - just good food and hopefully a fun atmosphere, too. Be sure to tell us what kind of food it is, too.
3) What's ONE thing in your town we should not miss when we get there? This can be something touristy, or something off the beaten path - but something that represents your town like nothing else. If we took photos there, folks would know it could only be from your town.
4) Name THREE fun facts about your town. We may use these in a later post, but it will also help us get acquainted with your area.
Leave your answers in the comments below, and be sure to provide us with your e-mail address so we can contact you if you're a winner.
Be sure to stay tuned for events planned in your area.
Thanks for your help.
Check the Kickstarter page for all the different reward levels and pledge your support! We could hold a party in your honor (S'mores, pizza, or wienie roast, anyone?) If we make our goal, Kickstarter collects the money and we go on tour. If we don't make our goal, you won't lose a penny!