We're also excited to announce that Deborah will be interviewed on TV tonight, August 28. She'll appear on Atlanta Live, which broadcasts on WATC-TV 57 in Atlanta Monday-Friday, 7-8:30 PM.
You can livestream the program here.
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About Misstep:
"Winnie and Sadie are still fighting, and I'm still living in the strangest town on earth."
It’s December in Road’s End, Virginia, a tiny town long forgotten by anyone but its residents, where Colonel Hugh Foster and his wife, Melanie, have chosen to live—for better or worse. The jury’s still out on that one!
Road’s End is comprised entirely of senior citizens whose kids have grown and left for greener pastures. Hugh, Melanie, and Bristol (one of the few sane people in town) are faced with a crumbling church in desperate need of repair and renovation, a dwindling congregation of opinionated, ornery senior citizens, and a camel—yes, a camel.
And if that's not enough, the trio and the rest of the Road's End residents, are soon mired in danger and intrigue when a group of gun-toting drug dealers arrive in town, bent on killing the church handyman, and conspiring to ruin the doggonedest record-breaking blizzard the town has ever seen.
Poor drug dealers.
Available on Amazon and Kindle
and by request from most booksellers
About the Author

Deb has three grown children—Derek (married to Renee), Dennae (married to Richie), and Darice (married to Ron). Between them, they’ve given her five lively grandsons—Dustin, Hunter, Cannon, Tyler, and Adam, and one beautiful granddaughter, Molly. Deb took an early retirement from a mid-sized school district in Michigan and began writing seriously, and wrote two newspaper columns, feature columns, greeting cards, essays, articles, poetry, and had stories included in multiple anthologies and Chicken Soup. She was a member of the Jerry B. Jenkins Christian Writers Guild and took the Apprentice, Journeyman, and Craftsman classes. Her manuscript for Misstep was a finalist in the 2009 Operation First Novel competition.
Deb finds humor everywhere and believes God deliberately gave us a sense of humor to enjoy the truly funny or joyous or unbelievable or downright silly things in life. Humor not only gives us joy, it often changes our opinion of others (or ourselves) and helps bridge the gap between people of differing opinions. When she’s not writing, Deb enjoys photography, herb gardening, astronomy, and chasing the occasional grizzly bear for a picture.
She writes three blogs:
www.deetrails.blogspot.com, and
Her website is at www.deborahdeeharper.com.