initializes our new
Entrusted Books imprint
with her study on
The Book of Ruth.
Entrusted Books imprint
The Book of Ruth.

AND, Happy Launch Day to one of our newest imprints, Entrusted Books.
ANNNND, Happy Launch Day to Ruth: Redeeming the Darkness, the first in the Rising Hope Bible series.

It’s unlike any book of the Bible that you’ve ever read. In Ruth, words like love story, theatrical, and screenplay are accurate descriptors alongside historical, and gospel-centered. Despite its small size, this book is profound enough to explode hope and redemption into your darkest pain and everyday frustrations. It’s a book that’s for everyday people like you and me – longing to be known and yet fully loved anyway, to experience joy even though we are goof-ups more than we ought to be.
Ruth’s message is not presented as a five-point sermon, but as a spectacular, on-stage, romantic drama that woos us into relationship with its characters and storyline. Its message brings grace where we’ve sinned, peace in our devastation, and hope despite impossibilities.
Its love story is not just one between a man and a woman, but between us and Christ - the ultimate lover of our souls. Ruth conveys the love story of Christ coming to redeem His people. Christ is coming for YOU. He’s the only One we can trust to offer real hope and redemption for our eternal future and everyday realities. We can know and love all the Bible words without loving Jesus, but we can’t love Christ without loving His Word. Experiencing Jesus alive and at work in us is essential, possible and awesome!
The host has ripped your ticket for Ruth’s next performance and you’re sitting front row center as His guest of honor. Come expectantly and settle into your seat prayerfully— God has set the stage for you to experience this drama together with Him at this precise time of your life. So let’s bring the real you and me to meet the living Jesus in Ruth so that He can move in honest places like yours and mine. The orchestra is cued, and the curtain is pulling back for Act 1. Ready?