Magnificent Hope went to worship with Dianne and Hal Butts recently, but I bet you can’t guess where. Here are some photos and hints.
We started our day with worship on the steps of a replica of the Temple in Jerusalem (which, of course, does not exist at this point in history). In this first photo you can see the singers on the steps of the Temple leading us, and boy could they sing! It was wonderful. We continued to see these same singers in live patriotic dramas and biblical reenactments throughout the day.
In this next photo, here’s me, Maggie Hope, and my husband Hal in front of, well, can you see what it is? Yeah, I mean that big boat with the giraffes in it.
Next we took a tour of the city of Jerusalem as it was in Jesus’ day or in the years following His death and resurrection. The gate in front of the Temple is the Eastern gate which is currently bricked over (in real life, that is). There is also a Muslim graveyard now in front of this gate because the Muslims know this is the gate where Jesus will enter through when He returns and the graveyard is designed to keep Him from it. Jews are not to touch a grave, so the Muslims believe this will stop the Jewish Messiah from being able to enter through the gate. If you look really closely about half way across the area to the right and towards the back of the model, you can see the three holes in a hill that look like a skull. This is “the place of the skull” many believe was Golgotha where the crucifixion took place.

Here’s me, Magnificent, and Hal in front of an exact replica of “The Jesus Boat,” a boat from the actual time Jesus walked the earth that has been excavated in Israel. I wrote an article “Finding God in the Jesus Boat” which has a lot more information and a photo of the real boat (which is in Israel. Hal, Magnificent Hope, and I are not!)
In these last two photos, Hal, Magnificent Hope, and I stand in front of the stage set of the Temple and many other biblical scenes. Suddenly Jesus graciously appeared and posed with me for a photo op! Maggie Hope disappeared and I had no idea why she didn’t get in the photo. Later we found her flat on the floor and I learned she was just so awed by Jesus’ appearance that she fainted.
Thanks, Jesus, for Your kindness and mercy on all of us, and for the truly magnificent hope we have, because of You!
Can you guess where we are?
So, readers, can you guess where Magnificent Hope is this week?
Answer the question correctly to be entered to win a Kindle Fire or Nook Tablet.
Here's how to play:
Each week, we’ll post a photo of Magnificent Hope near a landmark. If you know “Where in the World is Magnificent Hope?” send us an e-mail with the subject line CONTEST WEEK 1, CONTEST WEEK 2, CONTEST WEEK 3, etc. The person with the MOST correct entries and bonus entries at the end of the contest will win their choice of either a Kindle Fire or a Nook Tablet, a $100 Amazon or Barnes & Noble gift card (depending on which reader your choose), and a copy of all our WIP and PNP books published any time during this year!
Bonus entries may be earned three ways:
- By “liking” all three Facebook pages – Write Integrity, Pix-N-Pens, and Magnificent Hope – just be sure to let us know you liked us in your first contest entry, and we’ll add the bonus points.
- Bonus entries will also be given for anyone submitting by e-mail one or more photos taken with Magnificent Hope AND at least one of our books anywhere on her journey. One photo per location, please. (For example, if you bump into Magnificent Hope at a Jennifer Fromke event in North Carolina and take ten photos with her at that same event, only one photo will count. But if you bump into Magnificent Hope at Jennifer’s event, and then again at an event with Dianne E. Butts, you can take photos both places and get two bonus entries!) Send your photos in .jpeg format, attached to an email, and we may use them in blog posts or perhaps even a book.
- Telling your family and friends about Magnificent Hope, Hope Tour 2012, and our books and authors – through Facebook, Twitter, blog posts, interviews with our authors or Magnificent Hope, or other ways. One share per week gets you an extra entry, so send us your links by e-mail so we can tally your points.
(If you have trouble using the links, the e-mail address to send entries to is: magnificenthope [at] yahoo [dot] com.)
For those of you coming on board in the middle of the contest, you can go back and enter the previous weeks whenever you wish. Just find the "Where in the World is Magnificent Hope?" contest links in the list below and submit your best guess for each week.
Follow Magnificent Hope's Journey on the Hope Tour:
Bio: Dianne E. Butts and Renee Gray-Wilburn co-authored
Grandparenting through Obstacles: Overcoming Family Obstacles to Reach Your Grandchildren for Christ, releasing from Pix-N-Pens Publishing August 17, 2012. Dianne is a double-finalist in Write Integrity Press’ fiction and nonfiction “Books of Hope” contest. Her latest book, Deliver Me, is a Nonfiction Book of the Year with Christian Small Publishers Association and was a finalist for a Golden Scroll Nonfiction book of the Year from Advanced Writers and Speakers Association.